In the U.S., declining circulations and ad revenues have forced several newspapers to stop printing paper editions. 美国的报纸发行总量和广告收入双双下降,多家报纸停止印刷。
Study on the Paper-ink Interaction and Fastness Properties of High Gloss Ink-jet Printing Paper The Problems Existing in the Social Insurance Relations Between the Regions in China and Its Countermeasures 高光泽彩色喷墨打印纸中纸和油墨的相互关系及保存性能探讨我国社会保险关系地区转移存在问题与对策研究
The resolution of the printing paper used. 所用打印纸的解像力;
This brand of printing paper is fine, level, and of good quality. 这个牌子的打字纸平整细腻、适印性好。
Advances on Development of Nano-Silica in Color Ink-jet Printing Paper Coatings 纳米级SiO2在彩喷纸涂料中的应用研究进展
The coatings for digital color ink-jet printing paper were prepared using nanometer SiO_2 and PVA as pigment and binder. 以纳米二氧化硅为颜料,PVA为胶粘剂,添加阳离子助剂,制备了数码彩色喷墨打印纸专用涂料。
Division I is a professional production and processing of color inkjet printing paper manufacturers. 我司是一家专业生产和加工彩色喷墨打印纸的厂家。
Like printing paper money, issuing too much stock diminishes the basic value of each share. 就像印发纸币那样,发行太多的股票会降低每份股票的基本价值。
The most suitable for personality operation photos water transfer printing paper. 最适合个性操作照片水转印用纸。
A kind of transfer printing paper for printing on cotton, rayon and silk fabrics with reactive dyes, which is made from copper plate paper, is introduced and its app1ication is discussed. 本文探讨了在铜板纸上用活性染料生产转移印花纸的工艺,并对棉、粘胶和真丝织物转移印花工艺进行了试验。
Progress in Research on Structure of ink-jet Printing Paper and Preservation Performance of Picture 喷墨打印纸结构及其打印画面保存性研究进展
The paper introduced the reaction mechanism of the cationic additives in the coating color for ink-jet printing paper, their development status at home and abroad and application prospects. 介绍了彩色喷墨打印纸中阳离子添加剂的作用机理,国内外发展现状及其开发前景。
Half-sized paper: Paper with low degree of sizing such as printing paper, typing paper, etc. 轻施胶纸张:施胶度低的纸,例如印刷用纸、打字纸等。
The products including here are mainly applied for various coating primitive paper, printing paper, hectograph papers, cowskin card paper, and so on. 主要使用各种涂布原纸、印刷书写纸、胶版纸、牛皮卡纸等。
This thesis describes the composition of paper, paper type, common type of printing paper describes. 本论文主要介绍了纸张的构成、纸张的类型、常用印刷纸张种类。
As is proved by the actual trial use, the specialized formula successive printing paper which is used for information handling completely meets the demands of actual production. 实际试用结果证明,本实用新型的信息处理用专用格式连续打印纸完全满足实际生产的需要。
Mill Practice of Manufacturing Printing Paper with Amur Silver Grass Pulp on a High Speed Paper Machine ( Part ⅱ) 荻浆在高速纸机生产印刷纸的工艺实践(下)
Three series of a layer of semi-mechanized net at the Heritage paper, calendering printing paper, offset printing paper, paper bags of70 grams of fruit the following paper. 三综系列一层半干网适用于文化纸、压光印刷纸、胶版印刷纸、果袋纸等70克以下纸张。
Self-Cross-Linking Styrene-Acrylic Emulsion Instead of PVA as Printing Paper Surface Sizing Agent 自交联型苯丙乳液替代PVA作为印刷纸张表面施胶剂
It is tried to be explored as filler in papermaking in this paper, the results showed diatomite was suited for light printing paper. 本文探索性地研究了硅藻土作为造纸填料的使用性能,发现其适合作为轻质印刷纸的填料来使用。
Meanwhile, the color ink-jet printing paper, as one kind of its main consumed materials, will have great market and developing potentiality. 而作为喷墨打印主要耗材的彩喷纸具有很大的市场潜力和广阔的发展前景。
Rebuilding on the Technology of Producing High-grade Double-sided Offset Printing Paper by Ordinary Newsprint Paper Machine 普通新闻纸机转产高档双面胶版印刷纸的改造
This article simply introduces the ink-jet printing paper with its characteristics, quality requirements, development history and trends. 简要介绍了喷墨打印纸的发展历程、质量要求、特性和发展方向。
The effect of the dosage of sizing agent AKD on the basic performance of ink jet printing paper and printing quality was analyzed with the image analysis method. 根据图像分析法认为:对于施胶纸,是否加填以及填料种类对喷墨打印质量有较大的影响,且添加AKD有利于提高喷墨打印的质量。
It is widely used in a variety of fine printing paper, shoebox, invitation cards, leather, plastic, fabric and other craft accessories. 该机广泛应用于烫印各种精致的纸张、鞋盒、请柬、皮革、塑料、布料及其它工艺装饰品。
The government started printing paper receipts. 政府开始印制票据。
An image analysis method has been applied to study the effect of pulp ratio and the kind of fillers on printing quality of ink-jet printing paper. 利用图像分析方法研究浆料配比和填料的种类对喷墨打印纸的打印质量的影响。
One-side coated art printing paper 单面涂层美术印刷纸
Application of High Consistency Beating Technology in Making Offset Book Printing Paper with Full Reed Pulp 应用高浓打浆技术用全苇浆生产胶印书刊纸